Supporting Primary School Students in learning a new language at school
Research based at The University of Hong Kong, Waseda University and Seinan Gakuin University Seeks to:
Support primary school students in developing critical foreign language skills
Develop mobile software solutions for classroom learning
Clarify how students might best learn a new language at school
Current steps towards these aims:
1. Pilot research in Japanese classrooms:
Nakao, K., Oga-Baldwin, W. L. Q., & Fryer, L. K. (2022, Fall). Phonemic awareness as fundamental listening skill: A cross-sectional, cohort study of elementary foreign language learners. AsiaTefl. http://dx.doi.org/10.18823/asiatefl.2022.
Oga-Baldwin, W. L. Q, Nakao, K., Fryer, L. K., & Shum, A. (2022) Development of a smart application for phonological testing in elementary schools: The building blocks of an adaptive test. Poster presented at the 21st International CALL Research Conference, Tokyo, Japan. July 8–10.
Nakao, K., Oga-Baldwin, W. L., & Fryer, L. K. (2024). Developing phoneme-grapheme recognition in English as a foreign language: A longitudinal study at Japanese primary school.International Electronic Journal of Elementary School Education. https://doi.org/10.26822/iejee.2024.335
*Liang, L. Oga-Baldwin, W. L., Nakao, K., *Shum. A. & Fryer, L. K. (2024). Transitioning from Paper to Touch interface: Phoneme-Grapheme Recognition Testing and Gamification in Primary school classrooms. Technology in Language Teaching & Learning. https://doi.org/10.29140/tltl.v6n2.1067
Ongoing steps towards these aims:
1. Testing and refining Building Blocks mobile platform for assessing and support students' phonemic awareness
2. Integrating Building Blocks mobile platform in primary school curricula for semester-long test